Van der Valk Sassenheim

GuestCompass meets

"At GuestCompass, we value REAL contact! With this in mind, we also visit our customers in person. Together with the user, we ensure that you get the most out of it. This time, Thomas is visiting Van der Valk Sassenheim with Juliette Hilders!"

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How has GuestCompass improved your guest journey?

GuestCompass serves as the communication channel from the moment the guest enters the hotel until they depart. All current information is available, so the guest is always quickly informed about what is happening in the hotel at that moment. Frequently asked questions have their own page, allowing the guest to find the answer quickly when needed, without having to contact the reception repeatedly. Guests can also immediately provide feedback on their stay and report any uncertainties or complaints directly to the reception, allowing us to take immediate action.

Which specific feature of GuestCompass do you appreciate the most?

I value its user-friendliness and modular structure the most. It's clear and easy to use, both for our hotel and for the guest.

How has the use of GuestCompass affected your operations?

In addition to the reduction in the number of guest inquiries at the front desk regarding topics now found in GuestCompass, we have access to more data about in-house guests thanks to GC. I share the monthly reports with various departments, including an analysis. We learn from this and it keeps everyone engaged. Additionally, by making all room types visible (under room information), we've gained an up-sell and cross-sell option because guests are now alerted to other room types and possible room upgrades. And last but not least, we can upload PDF files under assets, making them visible online. This is very convenient for files that frequently change, such as menus or brochures. We no longer need to change a link, just replace the file under assets. Ideal!

Sassenheim 2
Sassenheim 3
Sassenheim binnen
Sassenheim kamer

Do you have a specific example of how GuestCompass has solved a problem?

In our North Suite, there is a private sauna, and we used to receive the same questions about it at the reception. We then created a page in GuestCompass with the answers to all of these questions. We made this page exclusively visible on the North Suite's page. Since then, we no longer receive questions about it, as long as guests are properly directed to GuestCompass during check-in, of course.

Would you recommend GuestCompass to other hotels, and if so, why?

Certainly, it's a great system that's easy to maintain and, in my opinion, truly makes a difference in informing our guests. We created a functional design before implementing it, and I would highly recommend this approach as it simplifies the process significantly. If there are any desired changes during the implementation, it's easy to make them thanks to the modular setup. Additionally, I find the support to be good and very flexible. Specific layout requests I had (such as implementing custom logos as icons) were implemented without any issues. This way, you have your 'own app' as a hotel without guests needing to download a separate app.
